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How do you become a professional NASCAR driver?

i mean you do you start out at, i supose you have to win some amatuer races n evrything but how and where and when? i know theres a lot of you NASCAR fans id appreciate the help and does it cost money?


just let him have it until he's ready to give it up. maybe the blanket is what helps him with how he feels about the fire. his comfort thing. i wouldn't worry about him being 4, my son is almost 6 and he's still really attached to a blue blanket he's had since he was born. of course if he's almost 10 and still has it, then i'll have to worry :) but until then, i would just let him hold onto it. maybe have him hold something that's important to you while you're washing his blanket. good luck!
I would not worry about him packing his blankie, my son packed his with him almost everywhere until he started school, a few weeks before starting kindergarten, he was told that the blankie had to stay home while he was at school. He even took it with him on sleepovers at his buddies, and no he never got teased about it. It has had to have several repairs and patches put on it, the most recent repairs were last Christmas. :-) He still has his blankie, he is 20 years old now and it is folded up on his pillow most of the time now. I would wash the blankie when he is sleeping. Sorry I have no suggestions on the binki though. I also packed a blankie until I was 6. So I have never had a problem with kids packing blankies.
Aww, honey, Don't worry about either of these. my nephew is 10 and still has his blankie! He doesn't carry it around but he still has it. My friends child gave up her paci soon after starting school. (she is 17 now with beautiful teeth!) Neither really does any harm. its just comforting and soothing for your son. He is young. Please don't make him feel bad by telling him he is a big boy and these things are for babies. Your telling him he is being a baby and what he is doing is wrong. He needs to know its OK to feel however he feels. I would talk to his Dr about him still needing these objects so badly but he really does NEED them right now. I would never take my child's comfort away. They will give it up when ready and that's usually before they start school, if not, soon after starting school. They will WANT to be big like the other kids then, but don't make him do this till he is ready. I agree with another answer you got: why are people always pushing their kids to grow up? They will grow up too fast and they need to do it on their own time. Good luck, dear.
With all he has been through I would just ride it out for a while. My daughter was like that with a baby and a binki, and had none of those traumas. I washed her baby when she was sleeping, and she did not give up her binki until she was close to 5 (only had it for sleeping), ignore people and go with your gut, I would not take away his security right now. Start having him leave just the binki home, and work slowly from their. She still takes her baby places, but we leave it in the car.

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