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How do you build a lightning rod???

Our house was recently struck by lightning and caused much damage to our stuff I was wondering if you can build your own? Or if anyone knows where to buy one??


I'm going to play the role of Mom here and say that something like a nose stud, or ear piercing, or tattoo is a decision that is best made when your older. How MUCH older will have to be up to you and your parents/guardians. Sure being able to wear jewelry is something beautiful and fashionable, and there are a lot of conservative pieces out there that will compliment your features or wardrobe. That is not the point. Something like a piercing or marking is a change to the body best left for you to decide when you have total control over your body. That means, should something go wrong with your piercing (like some weird skin infection, for example) that you have the means to fix or correct it yourself without having to run to your parents for transportation or to pay for the doctor visit. This is one of those times when you have to really examine whether this is a want or a need in your life. Some cultures use piercings and tattoos to signify certain life achievements. What have you done, at age 11, to warrant such a permanent mark on your body? Please think about it some more. Hey, in seven more years, once you're 18, and have your own job and are your own person, your body is totally your own and everybody else will have to live with your decisionso make it a good one! Blessings on your road to maturity.
i think in most states the legal age is 15. sorry.
25 gal, it's time to lose it. i do no longer think of every person over 30 could have any piercings different than ear piercings. yet i do no longer think of you will look like a stupid previous woman attempting to be youthful lol. no person will recommendations in case you place on the stud, yet once you experience self-concious, basically lose it :)
The only time I heard a cat cough, it ended up he had congestive heart failure. Really bad. Came on him suddenly over just a weekend too! Hairballs are definitely accompanied by a retching sound, not a cough! (I know, I am too literal!) Did you know that you can prevent your cat from developing hairballs by feeding it a tsp of butter a day? (Some sites say vaseline, but I figure if I wouldn't eat it myself I am certainly not feeding it to a pet!) I have a black fixed tom who I rescued from living wild (someone had obviously dumped him). When I finally let him into my home he was about 7 months old and used to 'fending for himself. Unfortunately he still does that sometimes! The fur and feathers seem to give him some trouble passing unless I give him the butter. There is absolutely NO PROBLEM getting him to finish it off, though!

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