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How do you clean the gas oven that has been put on for a long time?

How do you clean the gas oven that has been put on for a long time?


Often use the oven will have a "old oil" or "Kazakhstan oil flavor", want to get rid of the smell, in addition to each food after a thorough cleaning baked, open the door to the internal oven dry naturally, but also can use the following method to remove oil Kazakhstan flavor:First, put a bowl of lemonade or 1:1 white vinegar water, open the container after 100 degrees Celsius or so, dry bake for 10 minutes, the taste can be removed.Second, the pan cooled 50ml warm water and a small amount of detergent into the dish, cover the pan lid and insert the plug, adjust the knob time to 10 minutes, air circulation can automatically clean the dirt tray, unplug the plug tray after cooling, rinse with warm water pan.To prevent oil Kazakhstan flavor, reduce the burden of cleaning the oven is very simple: to blend oil may fly in the baking process of meat wrapped in foil, not only ensure crisp outside and tender inside, and not let get oil stains
Oven cleaner to "steady"To ensure thorough cleaning to do a "comprehensive" electric oven after each use, especially in the production of beer Roasted Duck, grilled chicken chicken, roasted pigeon meat, oven oil flavor will be heavier, in the oven, bake wallNet, tray and the chassis, if not timely cleaning, it is very difficult to remove a heavy oil, so every time after baking, such as oven temperature dropped to 50 degrees Celsius (not hot temperature), can carry out cleaning work.The cleaning must be carried out in the event of power failure and partial cooling! Just complete the barbecue oven temperature is as high as 150 degrees Celsius, not immediately clean, one hand is likely to burn, on the other hand, sudden cooling when cleaning, maintenance of the oven interior fittings have negative effects of maintenance.
A lens: latex gloves, the internal oven removable parts are removed, such as grill, tray and chassis, wash with a mild detergent and then grease particularly heavy, heavy oil can be used to remove the kitchen lampblack net, to do the key parts of the decontamination.Scene two: embedded in the oven door on an old newspaper, with a dry loofah or small bamboo brush peacoke oven brush out completely.Lens three: oven inside the stove (heating tube) and heating tube outside the protective cover must be wiped with a dry cloth, not too wet cloth scrub, so as not to affect the insulation of the furnace head, the occurrence of leakage, short circuit. Please note that the oven can not be flushed with water except for the removable part.Lens four: if it is found that the stove head and protective screen are dirty, it is difficult to wipe with a soft dry cloth, and do not change the surface cleaning tools, such as steel wire ball and frosted cleaning ball. If there is a wire or frosted particles fall intoFurnace (heating tube), light barbecue, a bad smell of the original coke paste, and then cause the entire circuit short circuit, you can try to use a strong cleaning nylon cloth two times wipe.Lens five: after cleaning the oven head, you can start cleaning the oven's inner casing and inner liner. Slightly twisting dilution cloth dipped in neutral detergent, wet wipe to wipe the body shell, after cleaning and then dipped in a dilute solution, with slightly twisting, wrapped in the hand into the oven to wipe the grease, finally rinse with water and wipe dry after dry, wipe two times.

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