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How do you do a bench press?

How in the world do you do a bench press or a lunge?


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There are various forms for bench. I use a more power-lifter style, which brings in the triceps much more than the shoulders, and is much better on your joints over-all. Your grip should have at least one finger on the outer rings of the barbell, unless you're pretty tiny. I usually have my ring finger on them. Lift off, then somewhat quickly lower down to your lower chest/solar plexus area, then press off hard and fast like your life depended on it. Other forms include bringing it to mid-chest, closer/wider grips, and slow down/slow up. To do a lunge: step out forward and bring your rear knee almost to the ground. Your lead knee should not go past your toes. Then, use your lead leg to raise yourself back up.

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