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How many boxes of aluminum cans would I need to recycle, to get $100?

The state I live in gives 5? per can(I know the only exception to this is Michigan, which gives 10?)And I know that I'd need to recycle 20 cans to get $1 (which means 2000 cans for $100)Now I'm curious, how many boxes of soda (ginger ale to be specific, and there are 12 cans per box) would I need to make $10 and $100 (I just want some round numbers so I can keep track and know how much I'll get before returning them)?12 cans x 5? each 60? per box.so.would I need to multiply 60? times ??? (something) to get to around $100? Any help would be appreciated.


Pet hair eraserstatic guard spraydust/vaccum dailybrush your cats daily :) Its lots of work but you gotta do what you gotta do!
The Pledge Fabric SweeperUse the edging tool on your vacuum to clean it out carefully and you can get several uses out of itIt works great.
I find that wire brushes used to brush cats are also good with removing cat hairOther ways you can remove hair is to go over the area with a wet latex or rubber glove on or use packing tape.
60? per box $0.60 per box $10 / ($0.60 per box) 16? boxes $100 / ($0.60 per box) 166? boxes Alternatively: $10 - 200 cans - 200 cans / (12 cans per box) 16? boxes $100 - 2000 cans - 2000 cans / (12 cans per box) 166? boxes Mαthmφm

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