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How many years should a fire extinguisher last?

The fire extinguisher in our house is over 10 years old. The gauge shows that it is fully charged, and it has never been used. It is dry chemical type ABC. Is it okay to keep it a few more years, and how long should an extinguisher like this normally last?


not at all. none of this is rare. alot of people have this stuff not all of it. but i almost.
Hmmm! If being to messy is all thats the problem I agree with another that vinyl or plastic placed strategically on the bed or floor will more than compensate for cleaning up a messy situation. I like the sound of it personally and will have to try it. You might want to break him in gently at first with moderate amounts of the thick syrupy liquid being poured on certain parts of your body and his orally coming to the rescue to clean it up. Who knows he just might catch on. Keep us posted.
Why not get a new one of the same as you already have,and then get a light one setup for panfish.I use a Fin Nor Powerlite PLS56IL 2-6 lb.1/16-3/8 oz. lure weight 5'6 rod,and a small Penn 716Z spinfisher reel for the panfish.The light one is also strong enough to handle a stray big bass that I sometimes latch into while panfishing.It's IM6 graphite.

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