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How much coke oven gas is produced?

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Each ton of refining coke can produce 430 cubic meters of gas, half melted combustion, the other half must be recovered with a special device, it can only be discharged directly into the air or "point sky lanterns
You have to know what kind of coal isBituminous coal and anthracite are determined according to the content of volatile matter in coal,Bituminous coal has C content, geological time is long, but not easy to burn!It is also different from the different producing areas of bituminous coal. Mainly depends on what you want to be low calorific value (not including the vaporization of water vapor latent heat release). High calorific valueTo determine the coal species, industrial analysis, to determine the content of water, ash, volatile, fixed carbon content!That is, there is no formula, mainly the test.Low calorific value = high calorific value -206*H-23MH-- hydrogen contentM-- moisture content (both received base)
From the production equipment and technology of the popular view, a ton of coke oven gas produces about 400 cubic meters, of which about 200 cubic meters of coke oven returned through the pipeline used for coking heat source, the remaining more than and 200 cubic meters was emptying, "or the lantern".

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