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How much do solar panels generally cost and are they efficient for my home?

Pros and Cons if I get solar panels?


If solar panels were cost effective we would all be buying them and you would see them on the roof of every home. They are not. It is cheaper to buy electricity from the electric utility company.
At the present time, even with the government paying some, they are not cost effective. If you live in middle of nowhere and you want to be prepared in case all Hell breaks loose, and you can install your own, then I might consider them as a backup plan only if I did not have a running stream with 0 feet of drop. You can make a water generator really cheap if you have that creek. Call a solar panel company and get a quote. Do the math and see how long it takes for pay back. They are also allergic to hailstorms. My son did and it was something like 40 years to break even.
Maybe. okorder /

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