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How to remove the smell of gasoline in the car?

How to remove the smell of gasoline in the car?


Carbon tank rubber pipeline aging - carbon tank to the throttle valve is connected between the rubber line, once the aging of the possibility of leakage occurs, resulting in gasoline filled with gasoline.Measures: regular inspection, timely replacement of aging rubber tube
The leakage of the gasoline pipe usually occurs at the interface between pipes. Open the engine compartment lid and visually judge that if the interface leaks, after a period of time, the surface will absorb dust and form oil sludge.Measures: check the gasoline pipe regularly, tighten and repair the interface in time, replace the gasket and so on.
When filling, the filling is full - when the gas is filled up, it may cause the gasoline to go down the tube into the canister so that a large amount of gasoline vapor is released from the vent of the canister.Answer: turn on the air conditioner, use the internal circulation mode (the windows should be closed, air conditioning refrigeration), so, when the car runs for a while, the gasoline will dissipate.
The local gasoline smell is introduced into the car from outside environment.Answer: turn on the air conditioner, use the internal circulation mode, and open the sunroof exhaust.
After assembling and disassembling the gasoline pump the work of assembling and disassembling the gasoline pump needs to be finished in the car, and some omissions are unavoidable in the process.Answer: after the disassembly of gasoline pumps, check whether there is no problem, and if there is a problem on the road, please go back to the repair shop to check the installation defects of the gasoline pump.

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