
How to wear a car knife

How to wear a car knife


But it's tricky to grind a car knife, and pay attention to the following points: No matter which side of the sharpener, be sure to keep the Angle of the cut (such as the front Angle, the back corner, etc.). In order to make every face of a car knife look like a face, it must slowly move the blade of the tool when it is grinding. In order to observe the grinding of the blade, the blade is always at the top.
It is a real effort to sharpen a knife, it is the result of practice. Tool generally according to the material divided into two kinds, one kind is cemented carbide, is a kind of high speed steel. These two kinds of tool because material is different, have different choice of sand wheel. When high speed steel knife to dip in water cooling. But when these two kinds of tool grinding or have something in common, the following one by one. First, the side of the blade (the cutting knife is two sides) Sharpen the front of the lathe. Polish the top of the car knife. Open the chip slot. Grind with oil stone.
In front of the coiler, check the shape of the cylinder and the side of the wheel, and the Angle of R should not be too large (the grinding wheel or replacement when necessary). When opening a slot, the tip of the knife should be pointed upward, so that the hand should be moved on a straight line, and the hand can be found on the grinder, so that the hand will not be shaken. In the initial slot, you should select the back of the blade head to move the order of the blade, and check the condition of the blade. Use a template to avoid Angle.
Control the edge of the blade according to the material. The right choice to overshoot... Buddy doesn't even give a penny.

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