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How will u play video on the computer

How will u play video on the computer


The U disk into the computer's USB interface, find the "my computer" right click "open" on the desktop, find your U disk location in new windows, usually in the computer F disk, called "removable disk, click open, you will find" play on the computer, video, video Click the right mouse button to select "copy", then move the mouse on the desktop right click "paste", wait a few seconds, the copy is complete, you will have a table to play the video, and then click your mouse to copy good video, right click the "open" can play the. (of course, you must have the corresponding player on your computer. Mine is a thunderbolt player, and the computer comes with "storm video")
Just connect to the computer and play with the player
Inserted USB interface, open the player to find U disk file broadcast

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