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I have a gas boiler question?

okay so in the past few weeks the basement circuit has been blowing, that is where our 30 year old gas boiler is. so we have been keeping the fuse off, because we have to figure out what is going on. Now last night it was cold, and the boiler will not kick on, do they use electric? I am at work and can not look at it, but now I am wondering if this is the problem with the circuit. Please give me some help


Yes the gas boiler uses electricity. At least for the circulation pump.
Common fault. When the boiler kicks in its causing your electrics to trip out. Possibly due to the pump kicking in, the fan (if it has one), the gas valve (on the solenoid), or rarely but possible the timer but thats doubtfull thats causing the trip out problem itself, just the above. This can happen from either ware and tear and something insulated has melted (gas valve solenoid usually) or has got wet from a small leak and when power goes to the boiler it earths and trips out. A qualified engineer is well worth an investment to take a look at. If you are in UK ask if he/she (yes, she - they make brilliant engineers. They are more focused than lads, especially as aprentices) is GAS SAFE registered and sport the logo that is on my profile pic. I would put money on it being the solenoid and it being a form of Honeywell valve which you can still get. If you are in U.S then im not sure! If you give the make and model i could even give you a ballpark figure. Oh and yes the boiler runs on electricity so if you have a transformer blow in the street in winter -you are in for a cold dark night! Get some candles! You may have an immersion heater for your hot water cylinder (often referred to as a tank, in your airing cupboard) as a backup so you can get some hot water for a bath and a bit of washing up.

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