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I have chosen to pay cash for when I need health care, why does that make me a free-loader?

Pro-Obamacare liberals argue that quot;free-loadersmake other quot;responsiblehealth care insureds, have to pay higher premiums, just to cover these un-insureds.However, I choose to be uninsured for health care, but I PAY CASH for my health care, if when I need it. So why am I included as a quot;free-loaderto the pro-Obamacare liberals?Arguments for Obamacare state that if you are uninsured, you are a quot;free-loaderquot;, meaning benefiting without contributing to the health care pool (i.e. purchasing insurance).Again, how does my paying by cash make me a free-loader? How is my choosing to pay by cash (or credit) harming ANYONE or ANYONE'S pocketbook? I am not speaking for or about anyone other than myself, as Obamacare affects me directly. So are cash-payers also costing the insureds, higher premiums? How?


You got enough cash to pay for heart surgery and the months of therapy to recover? Or enough cash on hand to get you well after a major accident? I bet you don't and if that happens to you and you're rushed to the hospital, then everyone else gets to pay for it.
No ne has ever suggested that it does.
That makes you a young man with no preexisting conditions who has yet to suffer major illness. You're also clearly not married with children. And the majority of your premise is just mixed up talking points.
If you pay for your health care you are not a free-loader. A so-called free-loader is someone on Medicaid or someone who visits an ER at a hospital for routine care. That is the prevailing attitude. Your attitude is fine unless you need treatment or surgery or become disabled. Then you may regret not buying health insurance. How does Obamacare affect you at this point in time?

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