
i heardfiber??

i heard more fiber helps slimming down your waste, but i don't fully get wut fiber is, wut kind of food is it in thnx :)


Fiber is bits of cellulose that can't be digested so it cleans out the human systemMost vegetables have fiber and there are fiber supplements tooLook on the label to see if food has fiber.
You can cook Hawashi inside your home!!!! This is amazing!! I always knew you were a wonderful person ZoserCan I be your friend?
the paper used for covering copybooks this is white , clean paper from the stationary shops they put oil you can put butter on the bread to make it tastyadd spices to make it hot minced onionsand are advisable i like green peppers , see if it would be a plus in some sandwiches have a pleasant get together make concentrated lemon drink to help your guests overcome the hot sandwiches bon apetit .
foil with some oil wara2 zebda wara2 la7ma normal plan paper fe nas bt7ot war2 grayed but dont try it so i think u have to choose from the list above and the best bread to put in the one b sheln yalla b el hana
we use clean normal papers having no writting or popular shops thy use news paper

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