Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Vermiculite > I just got pair of German Gaint Bearded Dragon with the female gravid .HELP!!!!What do I do?

I just got pair of German Gaint Bearded Dragon with the female gravid .HELP!!!!What do I do?

They seem to be healthy. They are both active and eating. They enjoyed a small helpng of some veggies. They also enjoyed a nice soak in a warm bath. I am new to dragons but these guys seem really friendly. How should I prepare for there sudden arival?


Make sure, first, they have plenty of food and water. She'll require more water before and after . Also, make sure the female has access to plenty of calcium, a GOOD UVB (heat) lamp, and a place to dig to lay eggs, or a box to lay her eggs in . You should incubate the eggs by placing them in a shallow dish with wet paper or cloth towels on the bottom, and keep a heat lamp on them at ALL times, making sure the towels NEVER dry out. You'll need to provide the mom-to-be with more crickets or whatever you feed her than before. She'll not eat a day or so before laying her eggs, but this is normal. She'll eat again an hour afterwards, if not sooner.
I assume you are more concerned with the gravitity you need an incubator for the eggs I have a hovabator they are about $45.00 her gestation period is about 3 to 5 weeks so you can figure how much time you have. do not be disappointed if the first clutch fails its perfectly normal. I will also assume she is over 2 years of age. if not she will need to be watched by a vet because under 2 years can have detrimental affect on your girl. here are some websites that can help you good luck you will love your new buds. My personal opinion is beardies are the best.

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