Home > categories > Security & Protection > Smoke Detector > I live on a property that is gated with two dogs, a lady from a filming union needed to go door to door to get?

I live on a property that is gated with two dogs, a lady from a filming union needed to go door to door to get?

signatures and she openend my gate and came onto my property and began knocking on my door. in the meantime i see all of this happening as i am sitting in my living room. the way i can see this is that we have two cameras on the property and the survelience shows anyone who eneters onto the property. Now she finally was smart enough to leave when she realized that no one was opening the door she ran out as she was running out she dropped her self phone and later came back for it. Unfortunaly my grandma didn't know and gave the phone back to her for this would have been proof that she was on my property. now the dog bit her leg and she claims she is going to sue. Now I can sue someone for having brown eyes. but in reality how far can she get if she was on my property uninvited and the dog bit her? Can she really win does she have a case? oh ya all this is on video tape!


Ha, so you wanna get off doing something i guess. Could try having a really hot drink before the thermometer is put in, loads of caffeine in a really hot coffee gives me well hot flushes. Or eat something real spicy. Would only work if you can do this really near to having your temperature taken. If you just need to blag your mom, try holding your breath and kinda tensing up, will make your face go real red - with a bit of play acting, she'll believe you!
Yes, you do need smoke detectors. No two ways about it.
Boy, I can tell your going to be a good landlord! Lowe's sells these battery powered ones cheap. Like you.

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