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i need some info about the moto. sliver?

i need some info about the moto. sliver?


Americium-241 has a half-life of 432 years, meaning that the isotope only releases low levels of radiation, and it is usable for a long time. Francium-220 has a half-life of less than 30 seconds, meaning a lot more radiation would be emitted per unit time, and the isotope would disappear completely in a short space of time, rendering the detector worthless.
With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina. According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at familysurvival.tv and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.

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