Home > categories > Security & Protection > Heat Detector > In 2003, were smoke detectors required to be hard wired in Manufactured AND Modular homes?

In 2003, were smoke detectors required to be hard wired in Manufactured AND Modular homes?

In 2003, were smoke detectors required to be hard wired in Manufactured AND Modular homes?


Legally they can't fire you because you are pregnant. Once you tell them they will probably try and find a way to lighten your workload.
Interesting. I don`t think your house is haunted. Maybe it`s Santa Clause bringing your Christmas presents a little early. lol.
Heat detectors work by measuring temperature change. The temperature is usually measured by thermocouple or electro-pneumatic and the decectors is triggered by a sudden change, typically 12 degC per minute. Thermocouples work by measuring the voltage across two metals in close contact. Electropneumatic works by the expansion of a gas in a closed container changing the shape of the container and triggering a switch. The other type is a fixed detector which will trigger at a specified temperature.

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