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Is it better to make bread with bread or flour?

Is it better to make bread with bread or flour?


The names of Chinese flour are all blind. National standards do not distinguish between protein content. So it's hard to see.Both should be of the same rank. Northwest China produces better, and a penny of goods
Not what is not the same, the difference is very small, because of the high gluten flour protein content, different taste, have also slightly different. Some are more suitable to make bread, some are more suitable to make noodles, and bread flour is the business of the bread roll out of the high gluten flour, some of which also add other ingredients, such as whitening agent, etc.. Experienced with high gluten flour, home use bread flour, bread powder brand many, recommended kite brand.
If the home of ordinary flour, bread machine can not be made out of basic drawing, because there is no way to rub out the film in the oven if it was, compared virtual point, home is their own mill flour, gluten Du between normal and high powder, always use baking oven baked bread machine.The trouble is to do it in the bread machine, that is, eating a little hard, it is recommended to buy special bread on the Internet, baking powder, high glucose resistance, and bread leavening agent, much better than ordinary yeast, not expensive.

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