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Is plastic made out of milk biodegradable?

I am doing a science project where I'm turning milk into plastic using vinegar and I want to know if it would be biodegradable.


Plastic Made From Milk
First you need to research what biodegradable means. Then you will know if something made from organic materials (BIOlogical) is BIOdegradable.
Casein-based plastic has been around since the 1880s, when a French chemist treated casein with formaldehyde to produce a material that could substitute for ivory or tortoiseshell. But although it's ideal for jewelry that even Queen Mary admired, casein-based plastic is too brittle for much more than adornment. Scientists have found a way make the protein less susceptible to cracking, thanks to a silicate clay called sodium montmorillonite. Freezing sodium montmorillonite into a spongelike material called an aerogel, they infused the porous network of clay with casein plastic. The result? A polystyrene-type material that, when put in a dump environment, begins to degrade completely [source: The Economist].

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