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Is this a safe way to peirce my own nose? BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS?

So first1) I get a safety pin.. or sewing needle.2)Get gloves..3) I wash my face for 10 minutes..4) Put all the objects in boiling water5) Heat the needle with a lighter.6) Mark the spot, where I will be putting the ring, on my nose.7) Wash my hands, and put on the glove.8) Put the needle through the marker spot.9) Take the ring, and put it on.


First of all we must define software:software is a general term for theprograms that control the computer system. There are two types of software : 1.system software:programs that allow the hardware to run properly one of the main example is operating system,BIOS,DIOS etc 2.application software:program that allow the user to specific task one of the main example is MSWORD,Spread sheets,Microsoft word etc. I HOPE ALL THE PEOPLE TO READ MY POINT THANK YOU
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System Software have direct control and access to your computer hardware , and memory locations . They perform I/O operations on various memory locations , and control the hardware , to make the application software do a task . Operating systems , are the main examples for system software . Exampls : 1) Microsoft Windows 2) Linux 3) Unix 4) Mac OSX 5) DOS 6) BIOS Software 7) HD Sector Boot Software 8) Device Driver Software i.e Graphics Driver etc 9) Linker Software 10) Assembler and Compiler Software Application software run under System Software , and are made to do a specific task i.e ( Word Processing etc) , which have indirect access to the hardware (i.e Behind System Software) . Examples : Web browser, word processing software, spreadsheet software, database software, presentation graphics software. 1) Opera (Web Browser) 2) Microsoft Word (Word Processing) 3) Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet software) 5) MySQL (Database Software) 6) Microsoft Powerpoint (Presentation Software) 7) iTunes (Music / Sound Software) 8) VLC Media Player (Audio / Video Software ) 9) World of Warcraft (Game Software) 10) Adobe Photoshop (Graphics Software)

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