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Keep setting the fire alarm off?

Whenever I cook frozen food (often fish or chicken) I have to open all the windows and turn the fan on because my smoke alarm will go off. The food doesnt LOOK or TASTE burned, and often times the alarm goes off and its still partially raw. What am I doing wrong?


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Oh yeah, you can get in serious trouble. If someone is injured or dies in a fire, you get charged with assualt or manslaughter for tampering with the alarms. At the very least, you will be charged with destruction of property and reckless endangering other people. Why not turn in a written request to the land lord for replacement of defective smoke detectors. They are a really BIG item when it comes to civil liability. The land lord should jump right on this if he has a lick of common sense. But just be sure no one is smoking or burning incense when they go off, or you could be liable for the replacement cost of working detectors.
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