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LCD laptop monitor to VGA plans?

I am trying to get a laptop monitor that I salvaged to connect to a VGA cable. I can’t find the circuit or the plans to do this on the internet. I am trying wire the pins form the laptop monitor to a VGA connector peace. Male or female doesn’t matter. I know it’s possible but would like your help.


The picture in your link is very interesting, but I question its validity as it looks very posed (everything is laid out cleanly, spaced just so on the table, etc.) and anything can be created on a computer to make a picture look real. Also close examination of the bread-board shows the use of a couple of logic computer chips and variable resistors, which would make some sense as you would need some electronic circuitry to adjust and convert the signals correctly from the computer video output to work with the LCD display in use. I would think, though, that it would require more circuitry than displayed. I would have to see it in person to fully believe it. I'm sure it would be possible to do, but each LCD display may be different and you would need to know basic electronic configurations for video output, conversion LCD wiring configurations to create your own for the one you have. If it has been done, I'd think someone would have the plans somewhere on the internet to show that it can be done and that they did it to take credit for it and show off. Honestly though, unless you have no life and a lot of time on your hands, I don't think it would be that worth it. Time better spent getting a job if you don't have one, helping others that may need help, getting some exercise, enjoying life with friends or girlfriend/wife/kids etc. Best of luck.

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