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LED rechargeable lamp, what to do with the battery can't charge.

Somehow, the light is not bright, charging for a long time or not. Why can't the lamp charging while use?


Possible reasons: 1, the LED is broken; 2, the damage of battery (this kind of desk lamp battery most poor quality). Light cannot be used when charging, so kind of desk lamp charging voltage is higher, will burn out the LED!
Suggested to change the battery. LED rechargeable lamp charging circuit is simpler, less damage, the battery is not usually in electricity is pure battery failure. So suggest replace the battery.
The LED rechargeable lamps When first use, adequate electricity, first when not in use, store must supplement electricity once in three months. When using battery lighting lighting obvious dim light need charge in time, otherwise it will affect the battery life. And new LED rechargeable lamps have been used while charging into consideration. New product YG - 3939 jager, YG - 3940, and so on lamp has been achieved using while charging.
LED rechargeable lamps, the battery can't charge, 1, check whether the charge indicator is working, check whether the C1, R1 is open, If the LED is broken. 2, all the LED is not bright, to check whether there is electricity, battery whether D5, open SW1 switch is broken, connecting desoldering. LED6 - LED24Q all burned. 3, only the strong or weak light, SW1 switch is damaged, wire welding, the LED burned.
Plug in the charger is not bright, is likely to be failure. Check the wiring and switch. Test the charger have any voltage output.

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