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Mapped drive becomes inactive on my network and cannot be opened unless I ping the host machine manually.?

My network has a bridge and computers on one side of the bridge can map a drive on the other side, but after timout or reboot they cannot be foundI have noticed that pinging them in a command prompt at the same time I have the client continually trying to reconnect, it willIt continues to work fine as long as I do not allow it to time-out or rebootIs there a way to run a script that pings the host in one step as the network drive is being accessed?


Or, to put it another way, why don't sreep shink?
You may have an issue with your local DNS cache on your machinesThere is a built-in delay in Windows XP that if a connection fails there is a 15 minute period that the negative response is held unless you do something else to overcome it (like Ping)You can edit this to adjust the time period down to a more reasonable levelTake a look at the link below from Microsoft's Knowledge baseIt describe the local DNS cache and how to make adjustments Also, if your machines are using a static IP addressing, you may want to add entries to your Hosts files for all machines providing drive mappingsThat may also help to resolve this issueGood Luck.

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