
Melted Plastic dangerous?

Two days ago, I was baking a trey of chicken nuggets in the oven when 20 min later or so, I smelled an awful smell. I went to the kitchen and realized I put the chicken to cook on a plastic tray. The tray melted all oven the rack and onto the bottom of the oven. Somehow, none managed to get on about half of the chicken (which I removed from the oven and placed on a plate). I didn't eat any of the chicken from the oven that day, but the next day i saw the plate (and thinking it was some of the good chicken I had made that morning) ate it. There was no plastic on the food and it tasted normal but when I found out what I did, I was really afraid that I could have poisoned myself! Its been over a day and I'm fine, but should I be worried at all? The plastic did not burn or catch on fire, it only melted...


Plastic isn't good for you, in fact the smoke fumes from burning plastic can be toxic. But really, we all make the mistake of doing things like that sometimes. If you feel fine and it's been 24 hours with no effects you shouldn't worry. I've heard of much worse things happening with people and burning/melted plastic and food and they all turned out fine lol.
extremely tough thing. check out on yahoo or google. it might help!
If you did poison yourself, you probably wont directly notice it at first. I believe burned plastic gives off carcinogens and small amounts of neurotoxins. You shouldn't worry if you ingested very small amounts. However, if you are really worried I'm sure you can spend a ton of money to get you're blood tested for toxins.
doh! You will poop out any plastic that you have ingested!

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