
need more iron?

I was told I need more iron from my doc. what exactly does it do??


You are anemic{Sp?} If your iron is low you will be tired and sluggish. I'm low on iron have to take iron pills daily. You should get slow fe iron. It releases slowly and will help you to get stomach upset. Take with food for that reason also.
My doctor told me I needed to take iron too because it is a key factor in developing hemoglobin which helps the oxygen get to our body from the blood. This is very important for the pregnant woman because her baby is existing on whatever her bloodstream can provide. You don't want your baby to lack oxygen, and your blood is how it breathes so to speak. I found that for me it was better on my system to eat more natural sources of iron than to take the pills. Anything green and leafy has it, as well as raisons, and prunes. A wonderful more tasty thing I found is that Frosted Mini Wheats have 90% of your daily iron needs in one bowl. So if you get two bowls a day, or one bowl and a salad later in the day, you should be fine. Now that my baby is born, my blood evened out and I am no longer anemic. But I remember how annoying it was. When you get enough iron, you just feel so much more awake and ready to go. But too much and you'll be constipated. Probably way more information than you wanted. but there it is. Best of luck to you.
Iron is an essential mineral for humans because it is part of blood cells. About 30% of the iron in the human body is in storage to be readily available to replace any that is lost. Iron is essential to the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry oxygen in the blood and muscles. It also makes up part of many proteins and enzymes in the body if it's low while you're pregnant, you will be exhausted all the time! instead of a supplement, try to eat higher iron foods like dark green veggies, meat and enriched cereals. if you take iron poills, up your fiber intake A TON because you won't be able to poop if you don't! good luck!
You are anemic{Sp?} If your iron is low you will be tired and sluggish. I'm low on iron have to take iron pills daily. You should get slow fe iron. It releases slowly and will help you to get stomach upset. Take with food for that reason also.
My doctor told me I needed to take iron too because it is a key factor in developing hemoglobin which helps the oxygen get to our body from the blood. This is very important for the pregnant woman because her baby is existing on whatever her bloodstream can provide. You don't want your baby to lack oxygen, and your blood is how it breathes so to speak. I found that for me it was better on my system to eat more natural sources of iron than to take the pills. Anything green and leafy has it, as well as raisons, and prunes. A wonderful more tasty thing I found is that Frosted Mini Wheats have 90% of your daily iron needs in one bowl. So if you get two bowls a day, or one bowl and a salad later in the day, you should be fine. Now that my baby is born, my blood evened out and I am no longer anemic. But I remember how annoying it was. When you get enough iron, you just feel so much more awake and ready to go. But too much and you'll be constipated. Probably way more information than you wanted. but there it is. Best of luck to you.
Iron is an essential mineral for humans because it is part of blood cells. About 30% of the iron in the human body is in storage to be readily available to replace any that is lost. Iron is essential to the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry oxygen in the blood and muscles. It also makes up part of many proteins and enzymes in the body if it's low while you're pregnant, you will be exhausted all the time! instead of a supplement, try to eat higher iron foods like dark green veggies, meat and enriched cereals. if you take iron poills, up your fiber intake A TON because you won't be able to poop if you don't! good luck!

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