Home > categories > Security & Protection > Fire Hose > Ok so there is a girl and a boy. boy likes girl. the girl is the boys crush. the boy is the girls?

Ok so there is a girl and a boy. boy likes girl. the girl is the boys crush. the boy is the girls?

whats the word? i forgot! if the girl is the boys crush, meaning the boy likes the girl. the the boy is the girls ____


I say you got yourself a keeper.
1. A direct wire connection to a faraday cage will cause the entire cage to assume the potential of the wire. 2. Lightning is not an EM wave, it is a very high DC current at a very high DC voltage. 3. Lightning is not an EM wave, so spacing doesn't matter. A faraday cage may provide some protection against lightning, as it would divert any strikes inside your house around you. But, lightning strikes the outside of the house, not the inside, and causes fires. My understanding is that the only people who get hit by lightning are outside in the weather. 4. If you want protection against lightning, your best bet is to install lightning rods. .

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