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our heat vents out through the chimney?

my mom told me today that our heat vents our of our house via the chimney. This concerned me because today it snowed a lot (I'd say 10 inches or so). How does the heat vent if the chimney is packed with snow? Of course I have no idea why I'm worried about this, considering how we've had lots more snow in the past (as much as two feet in a day) and we've never gotten carbon monoxide poisoning or anything. So how does the heat vent if it's snowed a lot? Thanks.


They don't go off until the smoke is right there and strong. We recently had a fire in our apartment building because of another tenant, and by the time our alarms went off the fire and smoke were already going. So, I'd say they aren't too good if you want to be protected.
Well, living in a cage, outside of their normal habitat would be problem number one. Being unable to associate with others of it's species, meet a partner, mate, raise young. All those things are already messing with it's natural self. At least learning to speak is stimulating, it keeps their brains from getting stagnant, like those poor tigers that pace back and forth around the cage, out of boredom, out of frustration, out of being crazy in confinement. Parrots, and many birds have the natural ability to mimic sounds. Any sound, not just words as spoken by humans. I once knew an African Grey that could bark like a dog, meow like a cat, and make several other bird sounds. He was a resident in a pet store. So, even without encouragement from humans, they will naturally mimic other sounds. It's a part of their natural self. Confinement is far worse.

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