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Parental Controls What are you looking for?

What do you want parental controls to do? I am currently in the process of developing a Parental Control System which is to create a safer enviornment for kids to use the internet on, so far it contains new features that to my knowledge no other system offers, such as the ability to grant access to a page previously blocked by sending an email from your cell phone with a password in it. Advanced Content Filtering and more.. but what do you want to see in a Parental Control SystemWhat do you not like about your current system if you have one.What do you think about parental controls?What can be done to make them better for you?What kind of content should be filtered other than the obvious.


Don't worry about what other people say, if you feel safer with them on, leave them on.
If you feel better with winters put them on and stop worrying about what others think
If you live in a state where it snows, then yes, snow tires are a good idea. Who cares what other people think about your tires. I'd rather have them than not have them.
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While many advocate all weather tires as good enough for most conditions, I have always felt true snow tires have to be better in actual snow conditions. Depending on where you live, you may not get enough snow to warrant the expense of a set of snow tires. If you live in a state where you only get snow a couple times a year and only an inch or so, snow tires are probably overkill. I would suggest keeping a set of chains in the trunk and put them on when it calls for a heavy snow. Chains probably work better than snow tires anyway. And they help if you get icey conditions they are the only thing that really works. Studded snow tires worked well but I don't know if they are still legal as they tear up the roads when they aren't snow covered.If you live in a northern state and get a ton of snow each winter, by all means get a set of snows to handle when you get caught out when the snow hits. But chains still are my favorite choice.

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