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Physics question about acceleration, velocity, and position?

I am not able to visualize this problemA load of bricks is being lifted by a crane at a steady velocity of 5 m/s when one brick falls off 6 m above the grounda) sketch the height x(t) to show the motion of the free brick b) what is the greatest height the brick reaches above the ground? c) how long does it take to reach the ground? d) what is its speed just before it hits the ground? Answer: b) 7.28 c) 1.73 d) 11.9 m/s I know the answer but can you please explain why? Thanks


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When the brick falls off it continues the upward motions for a short period of timeThe velocity goes to zeroIt the accelerates toward the groundTwo formulas: h(t) 0.5 at^2 + v0 t + h0 v(t) at + v0 where: h(t) is the height as a function of timev(t) is the velocity as a function of time a is the acceleration v0 velocity at t 0 h0 the height at t 0 h(t) 0.5 -9.8 t^2 + 5 t + 6 v(t) -9.8 t + 5 b) Solve for t such that v(t) 0 to get the time when the brick is at the apogeeEvaluate h(t) to get the maximum heightc) Solve for t such that h(t) 0d) Evaluate |v(t)| for the value of t found in c aboveNote v(t) will be negative, indicating a downward velocityWe take the absolute value to get the speed (a scalar quantity without direction, as opposed to velocity, a vector, which has a magnitude and direction).

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