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PLC programming in mold design and automation control

PLC programming in mold design and automation control


It depends on your hobby! Automatic control is high, but the practical application of the theory of knowledge is not long. The key is experience, unless you're rocket! When you get to the actual job, you know it's not as theoretical as you think, but the theory determines your altitude! I am not abrasive you think is intuitive, if they say to you like the abrasive is too simple, after all he is a subject inside there are many things that you do not line, also need to learn a lot of Kung fu!
All very well! There is no absolute good Human effort is the decisive factor., industry, only do good people. I'm an automation!
This piece of automation has a better future. And this piece is a sure way of social progress. Now all walks of life are looking for automation, reduce manual efficiency, reduce costs and improve quality
You need to abstract something to see what you're interested in. Well done is the same, I just do programming.

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