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Please Answer (LEOPARD GECKO) I need help please answer for ten points 10 points?

me and my friend just bought a leopard gecko on saturday sept.8 and my friends gecko is a female and very calm mine is a male and very wild every time i hold him he ether jumps or squirms is there a way to make him calm please answer


Leopard geckos are sexually mature at 10 months of age and usually lay their first pairs of eggs of the season from January to AugustFirst-time females will sometimes only lay a single egg, but a sure sign that you have done a good job raising your female gecko is seen when two fertile eggs are laid in the box of mosit soil you have been providingFrom then on, a clutch will always consist of two eggs unless your female is old or sickOlder females may lay 10-16 eggs per seasonA fertile egg feels like a stale marshmellow while an infertile egg looks and feels like a half-filled hotwater bottleEggs are easy to hatchIn fact, you get to have a powerful job, if you wish, since gecko eggs are temperature sex dependentThis means that the sex of the gecko is not determined at fertilization, but is set during the first two weeks in captivity by the high daytime temperature you expose the eggs toA daytime high that does not exceed 82 F will give you all female offspring, but if you want to make that egg a male then you simply place the egg where it will experience 90-92 F as a daytime high during the first two weeks of incubation(the following line was revised 07-22-03) If you keep male eggs at a constant 89-91 F you may have some embryos die from heat stress or if they are exposed to temps over 92 F they may become what we call hot or high temperature females, which never reproduce and often bully their cage mates.
probably burn the heck out of it
If your a good shot it would kill them and possibly start a fire.

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