
Process of making cotton?

Can someone please write the process of making cotton in aroun 10 15 lines.With pictures.10 points for the best awnser


Cotton is a plant that growsThe seed pods contain the cotton fiber which in the primitive version provides a way for the wind to move the seeds and as it rots to provide nutrition for the seedThe seeds are attached to the fiber so the process involve pulling the cotton bole across hooks or blades that snatch the fiber and leave the seeds caught to be used for cotton seed oil and animal foodThe fibers must be aligned and then spun into thread or yarn of several threads The thread is woven or the yarn knitted to make fabric or garments directlyAll of this can be done by hand or by machinesYou will have to find your own picturesLook up ginning or cotton gin, carding, spinning thread, weaving, knitting
For my Bearded Dragon before he passed i used sand for his bedding and i used a wire ceiling for his cage he really liked itAnd you should add extra ventilation for him.

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