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Project for a smoke detector cover? Need idea for product name?

We're doing an advertising project for a hypothetical smoke detector cover and have to come up with a name. The target audience is females and young children. Everything we've come up with sounds cheesy and lame and we want something that won't sound like an As Seen On TV product. Any ideas?


Yeah I personally like the heels more then the faces. I'd probably say I favor them like 80% of the time. The only faces I really liked were HBK, The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Jericho when he had his long hair. The heels I like now are: Antonio Cesaro, Mark Henry, Damien Sandow, Cm Punk, Cody Rhodes, The S.H.I.E.L.D., Wade Barret, Big Show (to an extent when he's not talking and is all domination), Prime Time Playas, and more. Faces are just usually boring. Heels don't care about the fans and aren't afraid to fight dirty and do all that ish. I just like that in general. Now every once in a while, you get a superstar who kind of plays both roles. Steve Austin was probably the best example of this. Randy Orton is kind of like him as well because he acts like a heel, but is a face. As you seen above, I don't like any of the current faces on the roster. There's just no great face character anymore, they are all the same.
regrettably the bios wont yet followers have 4 settings, fan off, fan low, fan meduim and fan severe, if u choose u can get a temperture administration module for ur laptop that shows the tempture and u can manually adjust to decrease or larger, maximum game enthusiasts try this. its properly worth or u can deploy heatsinks or thermal paste on ur procceser so it cools down so reliable luck :)

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