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Question about lime wire?

What does lime wire mean when it says it is downloading from 2 hosts? Does that mean its downloading the song and a virus? Please tell me!! lol thanks


the first thing i'd like to say is PLEASE don't use bug-b-gon on your lime tree! or any other ortho product for that matter. especially if you are going to eat the limes. bug-b-gon is a nasty chemical and even though ortho DOES make some some products that says they are safe for edibles, just don't do it. ok, that being said, the cause of your ants could be another insect. possibly aphids, scale, or mealybug. they are all piercing/sucking insects. these insects eat the juices from the plant then secrete a substance that is sweet and attractive to ants called honeydew. check the new growth and the undersides of leaves carefully for these other insects. then you can treat with soap and water, (or insecticidal soap). if you are going to use soap and water, just use a small amount (like a teaspoon) of dishwashing detergent in a bottle of water. spray either in the evening or morning so it has time to dry before the sun comes out so your plants don't get burned.
ants are natural diggers, the like to house themselves inside of plants and the ground,,,If left untouched they could begin destroying your plant(tree). Ortho bug-b-gone works great or take some ant stakes and place around base of the tee. Ants will be attracted to the bait and not your plants.
Ants themselves rarely do any damage but will `cultivate`aphids which they `milk`for honeydew (sticky sweet liquid secreted by aphids ). As mentioned elsewhere wash leaves with soapy water. NEVER use insecticides on home fruit trees. Check leaves for other insect pests and use a fruit tree grease or bandage to prevent ants climbing tree stem.
I have never found ants to be harmful at all, but I'm sure there are some rare exceptions.

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