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question on 97 neon wiring harness.?

Hi, I have a 1997 Dodge neon, 2.0, manual trans. I want to put a srt-4 motor into it when this motor goes. My question is if they make a wiring harness what would connect to my stock ecu or am i going to have to cut and splice wires?


yes they do as the above answer has said,but they aren't so painless to install believe me i have used their wiring harnesses before and they usually don't come with a good clear set of instructions on doing that job,its a lot easier to go out and buy a wrecked srt car and use everything off it,this way your not cutting and splicing a lot of wires on it,you wont be able to use your stock ecu either that also needs to come from the srt car,i switched mine over by buying a wrecked srt car and changing everything on it over,it was a lot easier than using the painless wiring harness,good luck.

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