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Relationship between fuel and crude oil

Relationship between fuel and crude oil


4, fuel oil variety characteristics?Fuel oil is mainly composed of cracking oil and residual oil, which is characterized by high viscosity, non - hydrocarbon compound, colloid and asphaltene5, fuel oil futures delivery benchmark is what?The benchmark for the development of fuel oil futures in Shanghai futures exchange is the 180CST fuel oil, which is a benchmark for international fuel oil pricing
3, what is the main purpose of fuel oil?Fuel oil is widely used in ship boiler fuel, heating furnace, metallurgical furnaces and other industrial furnace fuel. According to use, fuel oil can be divided into marine fuel oil and furnace fuel oil and other fuel oil. According to the National Bureau of statistics, China's fuel oil consumption mainly concentrated in power generation, transportation, metallurgy, chemical industry and light industry.
1, oil family members?The main products include gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil and fuel oil2, the relationship between fuel oil and other oil?Generally speaking, in the process of crude oil, the lighter component is always the first to be isolated, fuel oil (Fuel Oil) as a kind of refined oil products, residual oil processing process in coal, gasoline and diesel from crude oil separated from the heavier.

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