
role of catalyst?

role of catalyst?


Catalysts are used to increase the rate of chemical reactions.
Catalyst are substances that speed up rate of reactions by providing an alternative route for reaction with a smaller activation energy. (the original route for reaction may have a high activation energy so it will occur slowly). (activation energy= energy of colliding atoms/molecules must be above a certain limit before they can react to form product). catalysts: -- increase speed of reaction, --allow reactions to occur at lower temperature, --are reusable so more environmentally friendly, --for some reactions, form certain intermediate products that maybe commercially important in other productions.
In chemistry and biology, catalysis is the acceleration (increase in rate) of a chemical reaction by means of a substance, called a catalyst, that is itself not consumed by the overall reaction. The word is derived from the Greek noun κατ?λυσι?, related to the verb καταλ?ειν, meaning to annul or to untie or to pick up. A catalyst decreases the activation energy of a chemical reaction.
A catalyst speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without actually being consumed by the reaction. There are different types of catalysts for different types of reactions
A catalyst speeds up a reaction, without itself being consumed in the reaction. Catalysts participate in reactions but are neither reactants nor products of the reaction they catalyze. They decreases the activation energy of a chemical reaction and work by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur, thus reducing the activation energy and increasing the reaction rate.

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