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Safety glasses or goggles; have they ever saved your vision in a &accident&?

Safety glasses or goggles; have they ever saved your vision in a &accident&?


I have a tattoo on my lower back and i also had an epidural for a c-section and it worked well good luck! And it was higher than the tattoo where they inserted the medication
That was before the tattoo ink was changed, now it is just fine to have an epidural with a tattoo on your back
She is 100% correct. Many hospitals will not give an epidural with a lower back tattoo. There's too much risk of an infection or complication caused by the tattoo ink.
I think it depends on what you are locking in the lock statement. lock(varB) { // If two threads try to access varB.innerA, one should get blocked // until the other thread exits varB.innerA.someMethod(); } // If you access varA here instead of going through varB // it will not be thread safe varA.someMethod(); lock(varA) { // If two threads try to access varA either by varB or // varA directly, one should get blocked until the other // exits this critical section varA.someMethod(); } So in answer to your question, varA is not locked by locking varB.

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