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Scaffolding installation process, construction preparation

Scaffolding installation process, construction preparation


Construction preparation(1): steel pipe should be consistent with current national standard "carbon structural steel" (GB/T700) regulations Q235- grade steel; new steel pipe should be the product quality certificate; steel surface should be flat and smooth, no cracks, scarring, delamination, dislocation, bend, burr, indentation and scratch depth, pipe diameter deviation not more than -0.5mm, the wall thickness deviation not greater than -0.5mm, cutting slope deviation not greater than 1.7mm, the steel surface should be brushed with antirust paint; old steel corrosion depth not greater than 0.5mm, more than the prescribed steel shall not be used.(2): buckle made of malleable iron fasteners, the material should be consistent with current national standard "steel pipe scaffolding fasteners" (GB15831) regulations; old buckle inspect before use, shall not have cracks, deformation, bolt appear smooth silk must be replaced; new and old fastener must brush good antirust paint.(3) foot board: the use of 4m long wooden foot board; foot width of not less than 200mm, the thickness is not less than 50mm, both ends should be set with a diameter of 4mm galvanized steel hoop two; rotten feet can not be used.(4) safety net, paint.(5) after the inspection and acceptance of the above parts have been classified and piled up in a neat and orderly manner, no water can be accumulated.2, scaffolding erection and removal(1) scaffold erection

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