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Should I stall my senior mare? Or Senior horses is better off being turned out 24/7?

My senior mare has arthritis in her hocks and stifles. She is a retired mare. I am not sure if she needs to be stalled or she will be okay being turned out 24/7.


Movement okorder / My senior horses would choose to go out and move about even when it was minus 30F. That's 30 degrees below zero F. They also went out by choice when it was windy, raining, snowing or even sleeting, and they never shivered or chilled or sniffled or coughed, and they were far less stiff when they kept moving around. They always had good quality hay available 24/7, and were fed senior feed pellets in rubber bowls on the mats twice a day. The water in their trough was heated in winter, and I also had lights installed in the shelter that could be switched on since it gets dark by 4:30 in the afternoon over the winter months. In summer they would go into the shelter periodically to escape insects and cool off by the fans while they chomped on hay, and then go back out and graze or play or nap in the sun, etc. If at all possible, this kind of arrangement provides the best lifestyle for a senior horse with arthritis.
arthritis. it's been proven that the worst thing you can make an arthritic person or horse do, is stand still for hours. stall= bad. worst thing to do is to make an arthritic horse be stuck in a small place. turn him out. movement = best
Being able to move around will benefit an arthritic horse, so 24/7 turnout would be best. You want to make sure she has access to a shelter if she wants to come inside out of the wind, rain, or sun.
I would say turn her out if she isn't being exercised. Imagine how you would feel if you were cooped up in a stable 24/7! You'd get bored, frustrated, stiff... It's natural for a horse to be in a field, she'll be able to stretch when she needs it, have plenty of food, and tons of fresh air. During the winter when it's cold and muddy, you'd be better off bringing her in the stable over night, then turning her back out in the morning. But during spring/summer/autumn, defiantly go for turning out!
She should be turned out 24/7 as this will allow her to move about at will and will be better for her arthritic condition. The more she moves, the more she will be able to move. It is good that you are caring for her and allowing her to live out her life in the comfort of a horsey life. Hopefully, she has some horse buddies to hang out with as that is important for her. You did not mention if you are offering her any treatment for her condition but you should ask your vet about Previcox. It is great for discomfort and inflammation caused by arthritis and there are no side effects. I know of horses that have been on this medication for 8 years with no problems. Previcox is the dog version of Equioxx for horses but it costs pennies per dose. I get 240 doses (which covers 240 days as it is given daily- 1/4 of a tablet) for $139. It is great for horses with problems like this. And you could add a joint supplement also. Best wishes for you and your horse.

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