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Should I use a lightning rod?

I have a chicken coop which will be maybe 8ft tall and the nearest tree is like 20ft away from it (and the trees are maybe 50ft tall). I'm going to route a outlet for lighting inside the coop to power. Should I add a lightning rod just in case or will it not be a worry?


three spoons of sugar one cup milk spoon of cocoa cook, stirring constantly after you remove from the stove, add a few drops of vanilla add a marshmellow
One that you're drinking watching all that snow on TV from Miami Beach. Smug as a bug in a rug, as my Grandpa used to say. Well, he said 'Snug', but he didn't live in Miami Beach.
It's possible, but not practical. It would have to be specially made, and the lock would probably be super strong magnets.
One fire place, add a thick fuzzy blanket, a CD by Enigma, a few candles, one male and female and you have natures hot chocolate, warm, sweet and delicious.

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