
Sofa stain!?

please help! my moms gonna b home in like a half hour. I got this new white sofa and dropped chocolate ice cream on it. How do i get it out?!


Clorox stick
Sponge as much off as you can with cool water and a clean cloth. Then follow these directions: 1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot. 2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half- cup of water. Blot. 3. Repeat step one. 4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
I hope you didn't try anything drastic to remove the stain. The best thing would've been to own up to your mom and then try to get the stain out the proper way. You didn't tell us what the sofa was made of. Of course if it is leather or vinyl, it would be a lot easier to clean. Anyway, I've found that carpet shampoo and a soft-bristled brush work great for stains on my sofa which is covered in fabric. First gently work carpet shampoo foam into stain. (Before using carpet shampoo, test an area under the couch or in an un-seen area to make sure the cleaner doesn't have a color reaction on your couch. I use 409 carpet cleaner and really like it. It works on everything.) Use a damp sponge to wipe away foam. Let area dry; then vacuum using brush attachment. You can also do a search (Yahoo, Google) and probably find lots of answers.

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