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Solar Panel Demonstration Ideas?

Hey i am going to build a scale model house and demonstrate how you would use solar panels to provide energy. I am thinking of buying some kit solar panels and wiring up some lights to show how they power the home. Also i might hook up a battery in the house to show how you can store the energy. I might also have a large battery hooked up outside the house to represent a power plant that could provide emergency power. Any ideas or comments would be great. Thanks


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By gaps you could mean that it is expensive. Also, there is the debate over whether or not giving people incentives like tax breaks is a good idea Also, it takes a while to recoup the initial invesment in an array, although tax incentives would help and lastly, a solar array big enough to power the united states would have to be in an obnoxiously large area, alhough the ideal areas are already uninhabited because they are too hot.
you have the right idea, but forget about so many batteries cause solar power replaces them. get some small solar motors and use them for ceiling fans, try some small xmas light in a box behind a picture to look like a tv screen, use the small solar motor to demo an exercise bike and use a 00 watt or better light bulb to power your solar cells in place of the sun. that would demo the idea best without the use of batteries. i really hates batteries, but i love me some solar. i am a solar engineer and i think that light is the most amazing element in our universe. solar energy was the first source of power on earth and it will be the last. oh, did i mention that it is also so very very free. in fact, solar energy is so free that one can not even buy a handful of it and one can not even steal a pocket full of it. aint that something to think about and to post on your project just for a fun fact!!

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