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Solar water heaters are still required to install the check valve accessories

In the case of low water pressure hot water back


Need to install to prevent hot water backflow.The hot water flow is mainly refers to the low pressure tap water (tap water pressure is insufficient to reach the roof) or tap water pressure is not stable and high and low, at this time, Sheung Shui solar water heater, the water heater on the roof, the natural water level drop, the water heater will flow to the water in the road, if there are many hot water heaters, not only not to cold water, the result will make the hot water flow, water reverse, hot water outflow phenomenon caused by the user in tap water downstairs. To solve the problem of hot water backflow, the installation of check valveIn the water control valve installed around.
Generally do not need. Check valve is to prevent the return of hot water to the tap water pipe, so hot pipe.If you can not rest assured that one can not spend a few money, a peace of mind.Now the water mixer which will have a check ball.
Need, the solenoid valve automatically control itself has the function of manual water valve was the installation of the installation, but now a lot of pressure to see you still go not installed, they save cost, but will give users the trouble

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