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Stairs foot Wei, and how to do?

Stairs foot Wei, and how to do?


Because the local small blood vessels rupture bleeding and exudative tissue fluid together will form a hematoma, generally after about 24 hours to repair, stop bleeding and exudate. If the injury immediately after the rubbing, hot wash, forced to move, is bound to rub some part of the blood stasis at the same time to speed up the bleeding and exudate, and even increase the blood vessel rupture, resulting in the formation of greater hematoma, the wound site swollen Pain on the pain. People often say "storage tendons", the actual damage after the soft tissue adhesion, affecting the functional activities. This is usually the case in the late injury. Therefore, the activities within a few days after injury is limited, usually because of pain so that activities are limited, rather than sticky caused by the "stay tendons."
Wei feet, people are often encountered in life things, medicine called "ankle sprain." This trauma is an external force that makes the ankle more than its maximum range of motion, making the muscles around the joints, ligaments and even the joints are pulled tear, pain, swelling and claudication of a damage. As the normal ankle varus angle than the valgus angle is much greater, so Wei feet when the feet are generally twisted inward, injured parts in the lateral ankle. Many people are the first hard to rub the pain of the place, then wash your feet with hot water, blood swelling, and finally resist the pain to walk, activities, as is not "save the tendons." But the practice has proved that the disposal of Wei injury foot is not appropriate.

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