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Stupid things your dog is afraid of?

When my puppy was younger, I took him for a walk to my old elementary school. This was both so he could see new things and learn to walk politely.. I learned he was afraid of two things that day, both of which he has since overcome.1. The bright neon yellow-green vests of crossing guards. - he was afraid to approach a crossing guard that was interested in him and wanted to pet him. He and the crossing guard have since become friends.2. Fire hydrants. - there is a large fire hydrant at the end of a walkway alongside the parking lot of the elementary school. About six feet from the fire hydrant, he stopped walking and shot backwards. I thought he saw something in the woods, but no, I realized he was looking at the fire hydrant. Every time I tried to get him to walk up to it, he pulled further back until I was holding the leash with a fingertip and hugging the fire hydrant to try showing him it's really not that scary.What are some stupid things your dog has spooked at?


the fumes from those paints are still toxic and can enter the body through the eyes and lungsyet no matter how careful we are these things still sometimes go haywirebut you could use acrylics for the term, they act alot like oils. and you know people have been painting for a very long time, and women have been giving birth for a very long timeyou may reap more benefit from your oil painting than any harm you may be doingwhat does your doctor say anyway.
You can only lock the phone not parts of the phone.
Left Is driver, right is passenger, in the USA we drive on the right side of the road.

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