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Tables or Chairs?

Which do you prefer (I'm betting I know at least one person who will go chairs)


Chairs. Always chairs.
This question, as simplistic as it seems, is really a hard one to answer. The table would be nice to set things on, such as computers, lamps, televisions, etc. but then again, those could sit on the floor, if need be. A chair is extremely nice for a woman like me who has aching muscles (fibromyalgia), plus who has the friend, Art (arthritis) with her, at all times. I guess I had better choose a nice comfortable chair. Thanks for the offer of one or the other. :o)
At this stage, I'm going to choose my bed! Forget about the table and chairs!!!
This might sound a bit crazy... they go under the tables, chairs, desks, etc... as this goes back to their heritage, like a wolf. The dogs heritage, like the wolf, they keep their young in their den and spend a lot of their time there. It's a safe feeling they get from being in a covered area. I have a dog that sleeps and spends majority of his time underneath our desk. It's like his little den! Do some research on the subject and you'll get more information regarding this subject.

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