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the Electric Chair?

What are your views on the electric chair? Good or bad?Or lelthal ejection?


I'm okay with the inmate making the choice - as is allowed in some states. If he wants the Electric Chair, then why should we, as society, complain?
I don't believe in lethal punishment, but I also don't believe in luxury accommodations for murderers. Somehow, we should figure a way to put the all on an island together away from everyone else and away from all hope of escape. Feed them K-rations, no TV, no Internet, and no conjugal visits. Give them a few musical instruments and some books.
I believe that for certain crimes it's appropriate. It needs to be enforced more consistently though, and the eternal appeals thing needs to be curtailed. The electric chair is fine with me; so is hanging or the gas chamber. It's supposed to be punishment. Lethal injection is like all other political correctness; a saccharine way to say the same thing or achieve the same end. And for Cassie: If a man spill the blood of another man then by man shall his own blood be spilled. - That's in the Bible. Of course, like most born again zealots, you are probably very selective in what parts of the Bible you allow to guide your life.
I am on the fence with this one. In my heart I want very much to say I am against all forms of capital punishment. But I have had bad things done to me when I was younger (nothing sexual and not by my own family) been robbed, beat up for no reason and so on and these things have twisted my attitude. Not to mention just the normal mean as hell things that kids do to other kids. And so with that in mind, I typically feel that if I knew of someone who was murdered and I somehow had control over the offending persons future I would opt of the death penalty. But in my mind it has to be proven 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now that, that's out of the way... I would favor lethal injection. Causing pain for a few moments at the end of a persons life does no good and does not even serve as a decent deturent. To me what is important is perventing the offender from ever doing what they did again. And life in prison to me is actually much less humane.
If you are found guilty of murder or some other heinous crime, you should pay the ultimate penalty. I personally favor the electric chair over lethal injection. How much of a punishment is it to get a shot in your vein and die peacefully. I know people on the verge of dying in great pain who would choose that option. I say let em FRY!!! I will be more than happy to flip the switch!

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